Thursday, January 15, 2015

Which boy is Willy's "minnie me"?

             In Death of a Salesman Willy seems to prize Biff as being his carbon copy. To the reader it may seem that way at first too. However, I believe it is Happy who acts more like Willy. Happy seems to be living in a lie like Willy does. Neither of them like to admit that they have been lying to themselves all this time, and the both like to talk themselves up. In many ways I believe Happy is doing this because he never received the attention from his father that he craved. In the flashbacks, Willy focus on Biff quite a bit, and Happy attempts to get his father's attention by saying "I'm losing weight dad". Then in the future he attempts to get recognition from his father by saying "I'm getting married". Both of these attempts fail. As the reader, I feel as if Happy being like his father is a subconscious attempt at Willy's approval as well.

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